Mr. Graham, my high school art teacher, would always tell us to "BE BOLD." He would remind us as he strolled the room critiquing work, it was often scribbled somewhere on the blackboard and he even wrote it inside the card he gave me graduation day. Being that is was so reinforced, and that I'm a pack rat who saves everything, like his card, its one of those things that has really stuck with me. Well what's bolder than a crisp large scale black and white stripe!?!

(Clockwise from top left: Jessica Stam Vogue UK June 08', Vogue UK Feb 08', Vogue Italia June 94', Vogue Mexico Sept. 07')
When it comes to my fashion illustrations I try to look at each sketch and figure out what I could do to BE BOLD. While drawing Mystie here I started with this somewhat demure pose and my way to make it pop was to add my favorite pattern, large, and on a diagonal.

(Clockwise from top left: Valentino shoes, Christy Turlington Vogue US Apr 88', Neuropeach, Paul Costello for Domino.)
I've pulled a bunch of images here of other ways in which designers, stylists and decorators have used black and white stripes to achieve this striking and bold look. Do you like them? I know it's made me crave a little apartment and wardrobe makeover!
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