Tom Ford. Two syllables, and so many words come to mind: words luxury, status, sleek, sex, provocation, et cetera. Now even lipstick and sunglasses have become synonymous with the Ford name, but not necessarily bags. But that doesn't mean Ford isn't currently serving up some decadently priced satchels. The gigantic zipper, present on all the bags (and some sweaters), is Ford's signature. As with all luxury brands, you are, in part, paying for the name. At $3,990 for the leather version and a bananas $20,000 for the ostrich, you are almost desperately paying for the cache Ford has built.
This style is reminiscent of his Yves Saint Laurent days but not as strong as, say, the Mombasa. Thick, sensuous leather unfortunately makes the bag extremely heavy. The oversized front flap has a zipper compartment, but it's not too functional because if you fill it up, the bulk weighs the flap down. Similarly, the bottom also has a zipper, increasing girth - there for aesthetics, not extra room. But who says status symbols have to be practical? No iconic status here, but maybe that's delivered in knowing you've got a lush piece of the Ford name to carry around.
Pair with: Wear Alexander McQueen's Engraved Leather Cage boots with one of these bags and announce to the world, "Function be damned! I'm too rich to move anyway!" On Net-a-Porter
for $1,375.
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